Results for 'Carlinha Maria Fischer Mattos'

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  1.  45
    Alfonso X e O libro de las cruzes.Carlinha Maria Fischer Mattos - 2003 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48 (3):417-426.
    Este estudo é uma investigação histórica dos pressupostos culturais e científicos doperíodo de Alfonso X, o Sábio, Rei de Leão e Castela. Alfonso X dá forte impulso à ciência e à cultura, principalmente por meio do apoio às escolas, traduções e pesquisas. O artigo enfoca a “resolução” dos conteúdos do assim chamado“Libro de las cruzes”, um tratado sobre astrologia que mostra a tradição teórica árabe do séc. XI e traça a relação entre questões culturais e interesses científicos da época.
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    Die Confessiones des Augustinus von Hippo.Maria Bettetini, Norbert Fischer & Cornelius Petrus Mayer - 1998 - Herder & Herder.
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    Rapid Review and Meta-Meta-Analysis of Self-Guided Interventions to Address Anxiety, Depression, and Stress During COVID-19 Social Distancing.Ronald Fischer, Tiago Bortolini, Johannes Alfons Karl, Marcelo Zilberberg, Kealagh Robinson, André Rabelo, Lucas Gemal, Daniel Wegerhoff, Megan Chrystal & Paulo Mattos - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:563876.
    We conducted a rapid review and quantitative summary of meta-analyses that have examined interventions which can be used by individuals during quarantine and social distancing to manage anxiety, depression, stress and subjective well-being. A literature search yielded 34 meta-analyses (total number of studies k = 1,390, n = 145,744) that were summarized. Overall, self-guided interventions showed small to medium effects in comparison to control groups. In particular, self-guided therapeutic approaches (including cognitive-behavioral, mindfulness, and acceptance-based interventions), selected positive psychology interventions, and (...)
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  4. Guilt, Forgiveness, and Moral Repair: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.Maria-Sibylla Lotter & Saskia Fischer (eds.) - 2022 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    In current debates about coming to terms with individual and collective wrongdoing, the concept of forgiveness has played an important but controversial role. For a long time, the idea was widespread that a forgiving attitude — overcoming feelings of resentment and the desire for revenge — was always virtuous. Recently, however, this idea has been questioned. The contributors to this volume do not take sides for or against forgiveness but rather examine its meaning and function against the backdrop of a (...)
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  5. "Unde venit malum in angelum, qui bonus erat": hermeneútica de dos textos anselmianos.María Raquel Fischer - 2008 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 15:127-136.
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    Patriotism and Nationalism as Two Distinct Ways of Loving One’s Country.Maria Ioannou, Martijn Boot, Ryan Wittingslow & Adriana Mattos - 2021 - In Simon Cushing, New Philosophical Essays on Love and Loving. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 293-314.
    Love for a country has come to be linked with two terms: patriotism and nationalism. The conceptual distinction between these two ideas has been a matter of controversy. In this chapter we propose that one way of thinking about and distinguishing between patriotism and nationalism is via the very concept of love. We make the claim that what distinguishes patriotism and nationalism is not the quality of love but the type of love invoked. We argue that love in patriotism is (...)
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    Uber e a Livre Iniciativa.Renata Albuquerque Lima & Maria Eliane Carneiro Leão Mattos - 2019 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 5 (1):54-69.
    No Brasil, tem-se a regulação e limitação da livre iniciativa em diversos campos. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho visa discutir a (des)necessidade de regulação econômica no setor de transporte privado, tendo por pano de fundo o caso específico da empresa UBER. Para tanto, a metodologia utilizada tem caráter bibliográfico e qualitativo, com o objetivo de investigar quais as justificativas que têm sido apresentadas pelos que entendem como necessária a existência de regulação no setor. Do estudo concluiu-se que a conquista da (...)
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    Background Odors Modulate N170 ERP Component and Perception of Emotional Facial Stimuli.Elmeri Syrjänen, Stefan Wiens, Håkan Fischer, Marta Zakrzewska, Andreas Wartel, Maria Larsson & Jonas K. Olofsson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    New light on the rediscovery of the Archimedean solids during the Renaissance.Maria Luise Sternath, Gisela Fischer & Peter Schreiber - 2008 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 62 (4):457-467.
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  10. O pós-abolição como problema histórico: balanços e perspectivas.Ana Maria Rios & Hebe Maria Mattos - 2004 - Topoi 5 (8):170.
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    Hermenéutica filosófica de un texto de plegarias.Maria Raquel Fischer - 2006 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 11:117-129.
    El artículo intenta mostrar las posibilidades y también las dificultades hermenéuticas que presenta un texto de plegaria. El “estilo” espiritual impone ciertas condiciones a una estricta racionalidad filosófica. Se trata más bien de una “razón itinerante” entre la fe terrena y la visión eterna que alcanza su cumplimiento en el gesto celebratorio de la plegaria.
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    “‘It is very difficult in this business if you want to have a good conscience’: pharmaceutical governance and on-the-ground ethical labor in Ghana”: a letter to editors.Livia Maria de Souza Gonçalves, Felipe Felizardo Mattos Vieira, Ariadne Botto Fiorot, Sthefany Brito Salomão & Luciano Soares - 2023 - Global Bioethics 34 (1):1-3.
    Establishing effective pharmaceutical governance is a challenge for government agencies, private enterprises, and professionals working on the ground, demanding complex ethical decisions from the actors involved, especially in a lower-middle-income country like Ghana. This letter aims to share the author’s perspectives and additional considerations on the analyses of the reports in the paper “It is very difficult in this business if you want to have a good conscience”: pharmaceutical governance and on-the-ground ethical labor in Ghana by Hampshire et al. The (...)
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    A mídia como espaço formativo· do sujeito adolescente.Rosa Maria Bueno Fischer - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (2):333-348.
    Apresentam-se aqui as conclusões de uma pesquisa em que foram analisados dois programas de televisão, um encarte de jornal e uma revista - todos destinados ao público adolescente. A análise, feita a partir de um referencial teórico baseado nos conceitos de sujeito, poder e discurso, da obra de Michel Foucault, permite qualificar a mídia como um "espaço formador de sujeitos'', basicamente porque seus discursos e as práticas que instauram constituem um modo especifico de "ser jovem" e se inscrevem numa rede (...)
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    Continued Confinement of Those Most Vulnerable to COVID-19.Samia Hurst, Eva Maria Belser, Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Pascal Mahon, Cornelia Hummel, Settimio Monteverde, Tanja Krones, Stéphanie Dagron, Cécile Bensimon, Bianca Schaffert, Alexander Trechsel, Luca Chiapperino, Laure Kloetzer, Tania Zittoun, Ralf Jox, Marion Fischer, Anne Dalle Ave, Peter G. Kirchschlaeger & Suerie Moon - 2020 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 30 (3):401-418.
    Continued confinement of those most vulnerable to COVID-19—e.g., the elderly, those with chronic diseases and other risk factors—is presented as an uncontroversial measure when planning exit strategies from lockdown measures. Policies for deconfinement assume that these persons will remain confined even when others will not. This, however, could last quite a long time, and for some this could mean that they will remain in confinement for the rest of their lives.In a policy brief on ethical, legal, and social issues of (...)
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  15. Acknowledgment of External Reviewers.Zoubeida Dagher, Charles J. Linder, Barbara J. Reeves, Maria Cecilia Gramajo, Dick Gunstone, Gregory J. Kelly, HsingChi A. Wang, Hugh Lacey, Robin H. Millar & Hans E. Fischer - 2004 - Science & Education 13:153-154.
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    A ciência é metapsiquismo: Fernando do Ó e o discurso espírita na imprensa de Santa Maria, RS.Renan Santos Mattos - 2019 - Horizonte 16 (51):1407-1426.
    Este texto trata de apresentar a posição intelectual de Fernando Do Ó, militar, advogado e espírita que atuou em Santa Maria nas décadas de 1930 a 1960, sobre espiritismo. Essas discussões foram sustentadas na análise do Pierre Bourdieu sobre as disputas percebidas do campo religioso. Destacamos suas posições a partir do que foi publicado no jornal Diário do Interior de 1930 a 1937, assim, propomos uma reflexão, da escrita na imprensa local no sentido de demarcar identidade espírita diante da (...)
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    Vigencia del filosofar: homenaje a Héctor D. Mandrioni.Marie-France Bequé de Gilotaux, María Raquel Fischer de Díez & María Gabriela Rebok (eds.) - 1991 - Buenos Aires, Argentina ;: Ediciones Paulinas.
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  18. Wie ist die Darstellung von Schopenhauers Leben, Charakter und Lehre durch Kuno Fischer im neunten Bande seiner Geschichte der neueren Philosophie zu beurteilen?Maria Groener - 1918 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch:13-85.
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    Pesquisa: três dimensões formativas.José Pedro Boufleuer, Vânia Lisa Fischer Cossetin & Maria Regina Johann - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022020.
    Este artigo apresenta a pesquisa como princípio formativo e destaca a sua relevância para a dimensão do conhecimento e da aprendizagem, trazendo evidências que ela é o modo humano de conhecer e compreender. Objetiva-se chamar a atenção para diferentes dimensões formativas da pesquisa e que, em certo sentido, podem ser situadas como pressupostas ou anteriores a quaisquer modalidades, métodos, tipos ou estratégias de sua realização específica. Nessa direção, a pesquisa pode ser compreendida, em termos gerais, como constituidora do modo de (...)
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  20.  6
    Meister Eckhart als Denker.Wolfgang Erb & Norbert Fischer (eds.) - 2018 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Meister Eckhart war ein eigenstandiger Denker der abendlandischen Philosophie und Theologie, der als solcher noch nicht wirksam erfasst wurde - was mit den kirchlichen Prozessen und der Rezeption zusammenhangt, die ihn mit mystischen Schwarmereien in Verbindung gebracht hat. Dem "Aufbruch Meister Eckharts ins 21. Jahrhundert" (Georg Steer), den man dennoch erhoffen kann, soll dieser Band dienen. Dazu gehoren die Besinnung auf die grosse abendlandische Tradition (mit Aristoteles, Plotin, Origenes, Dionysius, Augustinus und Thomas von Aquin), Textinterpretationen und die unmittelbare Wirkungsgeschichte (Heinrich (...)
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  21. Actions, thought-experiments and the 'principle of alternate possibilities'.Maria Alvarez - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (1):61 – 81.
    In 1969 Harry Frankfurt published his hugely influential paper 'Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility' in which he claimed to present a counterexample to the so-called 'Principle of Alternate Possibilities' ('a person is morally responsible for what he has done only if he could have done otherwise'). The success of Frankfurt-style cases as counterexamples to the Principle has been much debated since. I present an objection to these cases that, in questioning their conceptual cogency, undercuts many of those debates. Such cases (...)
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  22. Comportamento ingestivo de vacas em lactação submetidas a restrição alimentar In: Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, 40, 2003, Santa Maria-RS, Anais..., São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia. [REVIEW]M. Balbinotti, L. T. Marques & V. Fischer - forthcoming - Gnosis.
  23.  15
    The dichotomy progress=order vs. backwardness=disorder during the general strikes of early-20th century in Argentina.Gloria María Hintze - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 15 (2):47-56.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el discurso que Clorinda Matto de Turner pronunció en el Consejo Nacional de Mujeres de la República Argentina en el año 1904, titulado "La obrera y la mujer". Su postura transita entre la doctrina de las esferas separadas y la defensa de un feminismo moderado que no participa de las posiciones más radicales de las socialistas ni de las anarquistas que ya tenían presencia activa en el campo cultural de Buenos Aires. This article analyzes (...)
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    Divine foreknowledge, evidence and epistemic responsibility.Marcin Iwanicki & Anna Maria Karczewska - forthcoming - Theoria.
    In several recent publications, John Martin Fischer proposed a new solution to the problem of divine foreknowledge, which he dubbed the bootstrapping view. On this view, God can have limited knowledge of contingent future based on a combination of (a) God's knowledge of inconclusive evidence about the contingent world available to humans and (b) divine self‐knowledge and more specifically God's knowledge of His essential infallibility. On the basis of the former, God obtains knowledge about contingent future, and by virtue (...)
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    Corpo, dança e uma poética artística de si.Robson Farias Gomes & Maria dos Remédios de Brito - 2022 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 28 (2).
    Este artigo consiste em uma reflexão cênico-teórica acerca das reverberações artísticas e filosóficas do pensamento imanente em dança em intersecção com o pensamento filosófico de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari. A Teoria da Dança Imanente sugere uma performance artística em movimento na qual o corpo dialoga consigo para criar uma dança própria, pessoal e subjetiva. Assim, objetiva-se analisar o dispositivo teórico-conceitual da Dança Imanente em aberturas e intersecções performativas que culminam no entrelaçamento entre corpo, arte e filosofia. O procedimento metodológico (...)
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    O êxtase de Teresas: o sacro e o profano na Literatura e nas Artes (The ecstasy of Teresas: the sacred and the profane in the Literature and in the Arts) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n31p843. [REVIEW]Flávia Vieira da Silva do Amparo - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (31):843-866.
    No altar da Igreja de Santa Maria della Vittoria, encontramos a bela escultura de Bernini, denominada “O êxtase de Santa Teresa”. Símbolo da entrega ao gozo espiritual, a escultura do artista italiano representa Santa Teresa de Ávila recebendo do anjo a seta do amor divino, reprodução perfeita do êxtase místico e religioso. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a ocorrência de Teresas na literatura brasileira, como heroínas divididas entre o sacro e o profano. Propomos o estudo do romance Tereza (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Responsibility and control.John Martin Fischer - 1982 - Journal of Philsophy 79 (January):24-40.
  28. Frankfurt-type examples and semi-compatibilism.John Martin Fischer - 2001 - In Robert Kane, The Oxford Handbook of Free Will. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    A Primer to Multi-Group Invariance Testing Possibilities in R.Ronald Fischer & Johannes A. Karl - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  30. (1 other version)Free will and moral responsibility.John Martin Fischer - 2004 - In D. Copps, Handbook on Ethical Theory. Oxford University Press.
    Much has been written recently about free will and moral responsibility. In this paper I will focus on the relationship between free will, on the one hand, and various notions that fall under the rubric of “morality,” broadly construed, on the other: deliberation and practical reasoning, moral responsibility, and ethical notions such as “ought,” “right,” “wrong,” “good,” and “bad.” I shall begin by laying out a natural understanding of freedom of the will. Next I develop some challenges to the common-sense (...)
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  31. (1 other version)When the will is free.John Martin Fischer & Mark Ravizza - 1992 - Philosophical Perspectives 6:423-51.
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  32. Morally responsible people without freedom.John Martin Fischer & Mark Ravizza - 1998 - In John Martin Fischer & Mark Ravizza, Responsibility and Control: A Theory of Moral Responsibility. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this brief concluding chapter we first wish to present the overall argument of the book in a concise, nontechnical way. We hope this will provide a clear view of the argument. We shall then point to some of the distinctive--and attractive--features of our approach. Finally, we shall offer some preliminary thoughts about extending the account of moral responsibility to apply to emotions.
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    ‘Experience’, ordinary and philosophical: a corpus study.Eugen Fischer & Justin Sytsma - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1-30.
    Common arguments for realism about phenomenal consciousness contend that this is a folk concept, with proponents expecting it to be lexicalised in ordinary language. In English, the word ‘experience’ is typically regarded as the best candidate. This predicts that ‘experience’ will be used to refer to mental states and episodes, not only in philosophical but also in ordinary discourse. We conduct a corpus study in order to assess this claim and to understand the actual use of the word in non-academic, (...)
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    Tactless scientists: Ignoring touch in the study of joint attention.Maria Botero - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (8):1200-1214.
    Since the 1970s, researchers have focused on visual joint attention as a way to observe and operationalize joint attention. I will argue that this methodological choice has neglected other modalities and as a consequence might be missing important elements in the account of the development of JA and the evolutionary history of JA. I argue that by including other modes of interaction, such as touch, we open the possibility of finding that non-human primates and younger human infants engage in basic (...)
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    Inalienabilidad de los bienes culturales.María Julia Ochoa Jiménez - 2010 - Dikaiosyne 25 (13).
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    Y cambio de paradigma judicial.María Julia Ochoa Jiménez - 2012 - Dikaiosyne 27 (15).
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    Mastermind: how to think like Sherlock Holmes.Maria Konnikova - 2013 - New York: Viking Press.
    No fictional character is more renowned for his powers of thought and observation than Sherlock Holmes. But is his extraordinary intellect merely a gift of fiction, or can we learn to cultivate these abilities ourselves, to improve our lives at work and at home? We can, says psychologist and journalist Maria Konnikova, and in Mastermind she shows us how. Beginning with the "brain attic"--Holmes's metaphor for how we store information and organize knowledge--Konnikova unpacks the mental strategies that lead to (...)
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  38. The Relationship between the Elementary Social Studies Methods Course and Student Teachers' Beliefs and Practices.Maria Yon & Jeff Passe - 1990 - Journal of Social Studies Research 14 (1):13-24.
  39. La metáfora como recurso epistémico.María Natalia Zavadivker - 2005 - A Parte Rei 40:13.
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    Wo bleiben die Bürger und ihre Rechte?: Globale Rechtswelten und der demokratische Staat.Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess - 2009 - In Peer Zumbansen, Dan Wielsch, Andreas Fischer-Lescano & Gralf-Peter Calliess, Soziologische Jurisprudenzsociological Jurisprudence. Commemorative Publication in Honor of Gunther Teubner’s 65th Birthday on 30 April 2009: Festschrift Für Gunther Teubner Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 30. April 2009. De Gruyter Recht.
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  41. Van Inwagen on free will.John Martin Fischer - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (April):252-260.
    I discuss van inwagen's "first formal argument" for the incompatibility of causal determinism and freedom to do otherwise. I distinguish different interpretations of the important notion, "s can render p false." I argue that on none of these interpretations is the argument clearly sound. I point to gaps in the argument, Although I do not claim that it is unsound.
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    Universally Sacks-indestructible combinatorial families of reals.V. Fischer & L. Schembecker - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (6):103566.
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  43. Persistence Reconsidered.Florian Fischer - 2018 - In Patrick Blackburn, Per Hasle & Peter Ohrstrom, Logic and Philosophy of Time - Themes from Prior. Aalborg Universitetsforlag. pp. 151-166.
    In this paper, I will argue that we need to consider the ‘change- makers’ if we want to provide a comprehensive theory of persistence. The classical theories of persistence, endurantism and perdurantism in all their flavours, are content with avoiding the looming contradiction in the context of Leibniz’s Law. They do not account for how change is brought about. I argue that this is not sufficient to constitute a theory of persistence and I will introduce produrantism as a new access (...)
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    El tiempo de la madre o bien sobre el círculo del origen.María J. Binetti - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (2).
    RESUMENDesde el trasfondo de la cultura, emerge cierto imaginario social que, asentado en la periodicidad biológica de la fecundidad femenina, proyecta a la mujer como un ser cíclico y mudable, por oposición a la linealidad e inmutabilidad masculinas. Este imaginario se remonta a la conciencia humana originaria y prehistórica, para la cual la madre constituía y simbolizaba una realidad cíclica, continuamente renacida de su seno. En el contexto del feminismo de la diferencia, el presente artículo se propone releer en términos (...)
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    Lesarten der Freiheit: zur Deutung und Bedeutung von Emmanuel Levinas' Difficile liberte.Alfred Bodenheimer & Miriam Fischer (eds.) - 2015 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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  46. Alcune riflessioni sul giudizio: la relazione tra giudizio giudiziario e giudizio storico.Maria Borrello - 2011 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 88 (2):231-264.
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    Interpretation of Data in Psychology: A False Problem, a True Issue.María del Río Carral & Marie Santiago-Delefosse - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (1).
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    Which Humanity? From Cultural to Racial Ethnocentrism: The Chinese Perspective on Universal History on the Threshold of the Twentieth Century.Maria Adele Carrai - 2019 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2019 (186):45-61.
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    Edgar Morin: il Prometeo del XX secolo.Maria Cipro - 2015 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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  50. República Democrática del Congo: una población civil castigada, rehén de las guerrillas y de los recursos naturales.María Cobos - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (959):8-10.
    La República Democrática del Congo (RDC) es un país sometido a ciclos de guerras que conllevan asesinatos, violaciones a mujeres, reclutamiento de niños y niñas soldado, población deslazada, una generación perdida de niños y niñas de la calle, anulación de la educación más básica y cientos de casos que evidencian el constante incumplimiento de los derechos humanos.
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